Katie and her dad walked into the ceremony at Paradise Cove together. They walked through lush vegetation, down a brick row to Jonathan who was waiting at the alter. They walked into her future together, and it as a special moment captured photographically by a bystander. Paradise Cove is a gorgeous venue with it “tropical feel” and wonderful vegetation and wild life. There are bald eagles flying about, and countless other things for the eyes to feast upon; like Spanish Moss and Cypress Knees. It truly is a “paradise”! That is why the couple chose it for their special moment in history!
Lon Tosi from Sensational Ceremonies worked with them to build a wonderful and heartfelt wedding ceremony. It was truly special. It featured a reading selected by the bride that spoke directly to Katie’s love for Jonathan. It was written by Bo Marley, and in part read: “if he can make you laugh just once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him, and give him and give him the most you can”. That is such great advice for any couple starting upon the road of marriage! The ceremony ended with a reading from Dr. Seuss. As Lon pronounced them, he read the following: “Kids you’ll move mountains! So be your name Buxbaum or Dowrie or Bass or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea, you’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way”. At that point Lon pronounced them husband and wife, and they walked down the that brick row as a newly marriage couple with a great adventure ahead of them. Wow!
Blossoms Orlando provided the outstanding bouquet for the bride and Katie from Our DJ Rocksprovided the wonderful ceremony and reception music. Of course, the wedding could not have happened without a Florida Marriage License. Dianne from Married By Mail worked with the couple to make that happen, and even hand delivered the license to Lon for the wedding. Perfect!
The couple planned to spend their honeymoon at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando.
And it all happened on a sunny day in Florida, in Paradise!